Beautiful Office Designs With Minimal Disruption To Your Workflow
The Adaptable Difference
Contractors are just there to hammer nails and build walls, right?
You have to figure everything out, get designs approved, find the people for each part of the job, order the supplies, schedule everything, and disrupt your work to make sure it all gets done, right?
Not when you work with Adaptable.
One call to Adaptable and we handle everything…
…from the first design meeting all the way through the ribbon cutting.
No stress. No hassle.
You focus on your own work while we focus on getting your construction project done.
And you end up the HERO because you called the RIGHT TEAM!

The most creative and responsive team
in the business!
Ted Ellis founded Adaptable Office Concepts over 20 years ago because he had a dream.
He wanted to create a company with exceptional customer service.
He wanted to build a high-quality team that would respond to any customer need
with creative solutions (not just offer cookie-cutter solutions.)
He was tired of seeing customers have to adapt instead of getting the workplace they envisioned.
He wanted his company to be the one that adapted…
to really listen and then offer solutions unique to each customer’s needs
to provide solutions that could be adjusted as the customer’s business environment changed
to offer a new process of construction – one call would give customers everything and everyone they needed
Today, Adaptable Office Concepts has developed a solid reputation as
the most adaptable and responsive team in the business.